Monday, May 2, 2011

THe ROYal WEDding-Wills & Kate

Princess Diana and Prince Charles

What an extraordinary Wedding it was. 

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip

They seem very distant. 
Why in the name is Philip's hand higher than the queen's.
Any interpretations of this?

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
William & Kate are looking quite lovely.

Kate's dress is gorgeous. Similar to Grace Kelly's gown.
Beautiful design and great inspiration for the house of Alexander McQueen. 

BEST dressed among the royal relatives?

What was the Queen thinking?
For God's Sake, she looks like the yellow bird from Sesame Street.
Always the center of attention.

Kate Middleton's mother is looking stunning. 
Camilla! meh... appropriate but too many details. She needs to work on that. 

Princess Beatrice on your right is wearing the most sight blinding hat i have ever seen. 
Too theatrical will get her nowhere at royal events.

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